Friday, June 17, 2011

ANC CHECK UP Second trimester

ANC CHECK UP Second trimester
Throughout your second trimester, you’ll continue to visit your doctor once a month—unless there is a need for you to go more often. Each appointment would probably begin with you stepping onto the scale to ensure that you are gaining weight normally.
Monitoring your weight gain
During your fourth, fifth and six months, you should be gaining about 250 to 350 grammes a week. By tracking your weight, your doctor can estimate your baby’s growth and watch for signs of preeclampsia.
Doctors stress that you should try hard to stay within the proper weight recommended for your body. Straying too far from this guideline could lead to difficulties.
By gaining too much weight:
You put extra stress on your heart, which already is working overtime to pump increased blood volume
You put additional stress on your joints, which pregnancy hormones may already have loosened and made lax
You increase your risk of developing preeclampsia (a form of high blood pressure); a serious condition that can be life-threatening
You’ll be more likely to develop aches in your lower back
You may make labour and delivery more difficult because your baby will be big
It is, however, important that you gain about 9-14 kilos depending on your initial weight.
Second-trimester tests
Urinalysis. This test, performed at each doctor visit, measures the protein and sugar in your urine. It will detect excess protein, which can be a warning sign of preeclampsia.
Triple-marker test. This test measures a specific protein, alpha-fetoprotein or AFP, in your blood. If the AFP levels are high; it may identify a neural tube defect; if AFP levels are low (combined with abnormalities found in two other tests), this may identify Down’s syndrome. Initially, this was done in mothers above 35 years of age, but American College of obstetricians and gynecologists (2003) recommends that all pregnant women be offered second trimester maternal serum AFP screening.
Rhesus (Rh)-antibody-level test. This blood test is for rhesus-negative women. Most people have a specific protein in their blood called the Rh factor. Those who don’t are called Rh-negative. If a woman tests Rh-negative, the father of the child also should be tested for his Rh factor because problems arise when an Rh-negative woman conceives a baby with an Rh-positive man. The tests are done about halfway through the pregnancy or at once if the woman has a bleeding problem.
Ultrasound. This test uses high-frequency sound waves to visualise the unborn baby. An ultrasound examination can detect a pregnancy as early as six weeks after your last menstrual period and show the baby’s movements at approximately 12 weeks of gestational age.
Extra test for women older than 35
Amniocentesis. This tests the fluid surrounding your baby to detect chromosomal and other genetic disorders such as Down’s syndrome, haemophilia, and sickle-cell anaemia. It is usually performed on women older than 35 during their 15th to 16thweek of pregnancy and on women who have an abnormal triple-screen result.

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