Friday, May 20, 2011

The Senior Community Health Officer :JOB CHART

   One Senior Community Health Officer will be posted at each CHNC. He will be under direct administrative and technical control of SPHO in charge of the CHNC.
              The Senior Community Health Officer will carry out the following duties at CHNC.
He/She will assist the SPHO and ensure that all necessary steps are being taken for the control of the communicable diseases in the CHNC involving the PHC staff.
He should receive information and reports to SPHO, of any outbreak of an epidemic in the cluster.
Assist the SPHO in taking the necessary action in case of any outbreak of an epidemic in the PHC s in CHNC area involving all the Staff of the PHC s.
i. He will assist the SPHO and coordinate with district and PHC staff and ensures that the activities connected with community involvement and health education, training, management and supervision in the context of Kala-Azar are taking up. He ensures that search operations, diagnosis and treatment of Kala-Azar patients and spray activities in his CHNC area are effectively taken up by the PHC staff.
i. He will assist the SPHO and coordinate with district and PHC staff and ensures that the activities connected with community involvement and health education, training, management and supervision in the context of J. E also. He ensures that J.E search operations, diagnosis and treatment of J.E patients and spray activities in CHNC area are effectively taken up by the PHC staff.
1.               Supervise and guide the, Health Supervisors and Health Workers and actively involve the Health Guides and trained Dais in the effective implementation of theprogram for Maternal and Child health.
2.               Assist the SPHO in conducting the Maternal and infant death investigations.
3.               He will assist the SPHO in organizing trainings for the medical officers and the staff of PHC s .
4.               He will accompany the SPHO in tours and assist the SPHO in evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.
              3. SCHOOL HEALTH.
1.               He will periodically visit schools in the CHNC area and assess the quality and effectiveness of the school health program environmental sanitation and health education and guide PHC for the better implementation of the program.    
2.               Evaluates the treatment and follow up of those students found to have defects and suffer from chronic illness.
·                  Works with PHN and ensure that the program is implemented effectively.
Planning Program works to promote vasectomies and spacing.
·                  Supervise and guide the Health Supervisors and Workers and actively involve the Health Guides and trained Dais in the effective implementation of the nutritionprogram, such as administration of vitamin A and Iron and Folic Acid tablets. Helps the Field staff to bring about field level functional convergence with AWW,mahila self help groups, voluntary organizations.
              7. ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION.             
·                  Supervise and guide the Health Supervisors and Health Workers and actively involve the ASHA s, CHV s, Health Guides and trained Dais in the effective provision of safe drinking water and for the improvement of environmental sanitation in the villages in CHNC area.
·                  Supervise and guide the Health Supervisors and Workers and actively involve the Health Guides and trained Dais and Primary School Teachers in the treatment of minor aliments as carried out by them, and ensure early referral to the M. O. PHC in the CHNC area.
1.               Participate in the PHC Health Committee/ Mandal level meetings to assess the health needs of the community to discuss the health programs with the community, and to enlist their cooperation in these programs and guides the PHC staff.
2.               Maintain a close liaison with the Mandel Development Officers in the CHNC area and his staff and with other development program workers such as those under the National Adult Education Programs and facilitates the participation of PHC staff in common welfare programs.
3.               Facilitates and guides Work closely with the community leaders and community organizations such as Mahila, Farmer's clubs, and other Voluntary Organizationsand involve them to the advantage in the promotion of health programs in the CHNC area.
4.               Organize camps, meetings, health education talks, demonstrations display of posters, exhibitions of films videos and involve the Health Supervisors, Health Workers and Health Guides in these activities.
1.               Under the supervision of SPHO along with PHN supports the Medical Officers of PHC s, organizes and conducts various health program related training forASHA s, Health Guides, Primary School Teachers and Dais. Services of Health Supervisors and Health Workers, MPHA s will be utilized in conducting these trainingPrograms.
2.               Assist the SPHO in staff skill development programs for the M. O. PHC s , Health Supervisors and Health Workers, at the PHC s as well as in the field.
3.               Be actively involved in the assessment of the effectiveness of the training of Health Supervisors, Health Workers, and other health personnel at the Primary Health Centre level.
4. Assist the SPHO in conduction fortnightly & monthly staff meetings at the CHNC.
5.Be actively involved in the field training components of basic and refresher training programs conducted by the state level, region level, and district level institutes for basic training of various categories of health personnel.
6. Be actively involved in the field training components of training programs conducted by the Health and Family Welfare Training Centre s for various categories of health personnel.
1.    Assist the SPHO in conducting field investigation to delineate local health problems for planning changes in the strategy for effective delivery of PHC health services.
2.    Ensure that the PHC s sub centers are properly maintained and managed by the Medical Officers, Health Workers (MPHA s) and Health Supervisors.
3.    Tours all the PHC s and sub centers along with SPHO and ensures that supplies and equipment such as drugs, contraceptives, vaccines, nutritional supplements, bleaching powder, health educational materials, etc., are supplied in time to the sub centers to enable the Health Supervisors and Health Workers to carry out their functions effectively.
4.    Tours all the PHC s and sub centers along with SPHO and ensures the regular replenishment of kits and the supply of drugs and dressings for the ASHA s Primary School Teachers and trained Dais and ensure regular disbursement of stipends/honorarium to the ASHA s, and Dais.
5.    Scrutinize the work plans of the Health Supervisors and Health Workers.
6.    Supervise and evaluate the maintenance of the prescribed records of the field staff at PHC and the sub center level.
7.    Obtain the reports from the PHC s analyze and interpret the data available, and utilize the findings for improving the implementation of the health programs in theCHNC area.
8.    He assists the SPHO in organizing monthly meetings, not only for evaluating the progress of work and suggesting steps to be taken for further improvement but also as a means of staff development and continuing education.
9.    He assists the SPHO in organizing meetings at regular intervals with the community level workers for discussing their activities and for providing continuing education.
10. Keep notes of his activities in the CHNC area and submit his tour report at regular intervals to the SPHO.
11.Any other duty assigned by SPHO should be carried out by CHO
                            He/she will ensure with the help of LD computer consolidates the Birth and Death reports sent from the PHC s and send them to District and state authorities every month.

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