Friday, May 20, 2011

The key functions of CHNC

The key functions of CHNC include the following:
a) supervision and monitoring of the functioning of all sub-centres and PHCs within the
CHNC service area and exercise day-to-day administrative control and supervision
over the staff of Health, Medical and Family Welfare department within the CHNC
b) planning, implementation supervision, co-ordination, trouble-shooting, innovation and
monitoring of all activities that would contribute to improved maternal and child health
and nutrition, disease prevention, health promotion, effective management of illness
and referral of complicated cases;
c) effective implementation of fixed-day health services, integrated village health and
nutrition day interventions, all activities under the National Rural Health Mission
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(NRHM), national disease control programmes, emergency transport system, Jawahar
Bala Arogya Raksha, private clinical establishment regulation and other public health
enactments and programmes and activities of the medical, health and family welfare
d) close supervision of the health and nutrition interventions in the service area of the
CHNC through not less than fifteen days of field visits by all CHNC functionaries;
e) ensuring effective functioning of the sub-centres and primary health centres through
supportive supervision, facilitatory guidance and capacity development, especially
ensuring fixed day health and nutrition services in the villages by the ANM, PHC
Medical Officer and other field staff; comprehensive ante-natal, intra-natal, and postnatal
care services, tracking of pregnant and lactating mothers and children, cent per
cent institutional deliveries/ skilled birth attendance; integrated management of
neonatal and childhood illness, immunisation, growth monitoring and nutrition
support and rehabilitation; village health and sanitation, water and food qualitymonitoring, etc.;
f) facilitate close collaboration and coordination with the Rural Development, Women
and Child Development, Rural Water Supply, Panchayat Raj, and School Education
g) sustained capacity development of all functionaries of the health system through
supportive supervision and facilitatory guidance, apart from structured training inputs
and hands-on practical training at hospitals and health facilities;
h) continuous information-education-communication and behavior change
communication (IEC and BCC) efforts and constant innovation in all activities and
increased responsiveness and decentralized decision making process;
i) close coordination with the referral hospital and ensure seamless referral of patients
from the sub-centre and PHC to the referral hospitals and ensuring CEMONC and
SNCU services to all citizens;
j) monitoring and reporting of all health and nutrition activities in the CHNC service area; and
k) any other assigned by the Government from time to time.

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